Author Spotlight: Marcia Meara

Meet Marcia Meara, author of The Light: Wake-Robin Ridge Book 4.

I hope you’re enjoying our #FebruarySheWrote series of author spotlights, friends! But while we might be nearing the end of February, we’re far from saying goodbye. Today our guest is the wonderful Marcia Meara, who has some very inspiring things to tell us! 🥰

Marcia lives in central Florida, just north of Orlando, with her husband of over thirty years and four big cats. When not writing or blogging, she spends her time gardening, and enjoying the surprising amount of wildlife that manages to make a home in her suburban yard. She enjoys nature. Really, really enjoys it. All of it! Well, almost all of it, anyway. From birds, to furry critters, to her very favorites, snakes. The exception would be spiders, which she truly loathes, convinced that anything with eight hairy legs is surely up to no good. She does not, however, kill spiders anymore, since she knows they have their place in the world. Besides, her husband now handles her Arachnid Catch and Release Program, and she’s good with that.

Spiders aside, the one thing Marcia would like to tell each of her readers is that it’s never too late to make your dreams come true. If, at the age of 69, she could write and publish a book (and thus fulfill 64 years of longing to do that very thing), you can make your own dreams a reality, too. Go for it! What have you got to lose? 💖 Marcia has published seven novels, three novellas, and one book of poetry to date, all of which are available on Amazon.

What made you decide to publish independently?

I wrote my first book at age 69, and knew I didn’t want to waste months or years trying to find a traditional publisher. (Besides, even ONE rejection letter would have been enough discourage me from trying again.) Independent publishing was faster and easier, and let me move on to writing my second book in no time.

What has been your most unforgettable experience (good or bad) as an author?

Hands down, starting my own writing blog, The Write Stuff, and meeting so many wonderful and supportive fellow writers. Over the last nine years, our writing and blogging community has enriched my life in more ways than I can count, and I wouldn’t trade this experience for anything!

Who do you think you inspire? If not, who and what do you want to inspire?

I’d like to think I’ve proven that you’re never too old to follow a dream. I’ll be 78 in a couple of weeks and do wildlife talks locally about twice a month. Before I start my presentation, I tell my audiences a bit about myself and my writing, then ask how many of them have a dream they’ve always wanted to pursue but never have. A large portion of of the group will raise their hands, but when I ask them “Why not?” they usually have no response. That’s where my late life experiences can come into play, and, hopefully, inspire someone to take that first big step toward fulfilling a dream, no matter how old they are.

What character archetype would you be if you were a character in a book, movie or TV series?

Probably the crazy ol’ lady who lives down the block, and waves at everyone who drives by.

What kind of animal character would you be in your story, and why?

A cat. Because … CAT. The ultimate animal!

If you were not doing what you are doing now, what activity or hobby would be keeping you busy?

I’d be painting. I painted and taught painting for many years, and I guess I’d revert back to it.

What do you consider as your weakness, and have you done anything to overcome it?

Answer 1: Rampant insecurities. Answer 2: Wrote a novel. And then wrote 6 more, plus three spinoff novellas.

Anything else you want to tell your fans, our readers, and the writing/reading/blogging community at large?

First, thank you for having me, Marie. This has been fun! And to anyone reading along, I hope you are busy following your bliss, doing whatever you love most, and doing it to the best of your ability. There is nothing more satisfying in life than a job well done, especially when you love your work.

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The Magic is Back!

For Robert MacKenzie Cole—or Rabbit, as he’s known to all—the chance to accompany his family to see North Carolina’s infamous Brown Mountain Lights has him nearly dizzy with excitement. And what better night to watch this unexplained phenomenon unfold than Halloween?

But when the entrancing, unpredictable lights show up, Rabbit gets far more than he bargained for. He’s gifted with what folks in the Appalachians call “the Sight,” and it’s this extrasensory perception that enables him to spot the one light different from all the rest.

In his biggest challenge to date, Rabbit—aided by his daddy and his newest friend, Austin Dupree— begins a quest to learn more about the mysterious light. Their investigation unveils a web of cons and corruption none of them expected and exposes a brutal murder along the way.

Throughout all, Rabbit is unfaltering in his commitment to do whatever it takes to understand the truth behind the glowing orb and to determine how he can help it.

After all, it followed him home..

Got a book you’d like me to review or an author you’d like me to feature? Drop me a line! 💕 You can also subscribe to my newsletter for free short stories, special offers, and writing opportunities.

Published by Marie Sinadjan

Filipino author, singer-songwriter and musical theatre actress. Loves writing fantasy short stories and composing songs for books. Also loves coffee, traveling and watching the stars. Married and based in the UK.

68 thoughts on “Author Spotlight: Marcia Meara

    1. Thanks, Joan! It’s been such a crazy week, I just remembered to check on this. It was a fun interview, and I’m heading off shortly to share the link on TWS. Thanks so much for taking a moment to say hi, and I’m sorry I’m late responding, but I still really appreciate it! 😀 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Glad you got a laugh from the Arachnid Catch & Release program. It seems to make the spiders pretty happy, too! Yep, I’ve painted since I was about 12, and taught Tole & Decorative painting when that was all the rage, and was even a Certified Instructor for Alexander Art, WAY back in the day. Did a ton of Arts & Crafts shows, too. But underneath it all, I really wanted to write (since I was FIVE) and finally worked up enough courage to give it a go. And I must say, nothing has ever made me happier.

      Thanks so much for stopping by and taking a moment to say hi! 😀 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Marie, thank you so much for having me as your guest, and please accept my apology for being so late to get here. It’s been a crazy few weeks, and I’m still dealing with a few of the lingering issues from Long Covid. (This isn’t the only thing I lost track of, but I’m doing better.) This was a fun interview, and I really appreciate your reaching out to me. I’m going to share the link over on my blog shortly.

    Thanks again, and have a great week! 😀 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Somehow I missed this interview, but I had to stop by to say that Marica is one of my favorite authors. One of my favorite bloggers. And one of my favorite people! I’ve read everything she’s written and highly recommend all of her work.
    And kudos to what she said about cats! 🐈‍⬛🐈😄

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Thanks so much for those lovely comments, Mae. (The check is in the mail. 😉 ) Seriously, we definitely have a mutual admiration thing going here, as I feel pretty much the same way about you and your work. And yep on cats. I love dogs, too, but … CATS! Living in a house with four (right now) reminds me every day that they are, indeed, the Ultimate Animal. 😊

      Thanks so much for stopping by today, Mae, and for making me smile for hours to come! 🤗💖

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    1. We’d have a regular ol’ waving festival, wouldn’t we, Priscilla? 😀 And writing my books definitely helped me get past some of my securities. (They aren’t nearly as rampant as they once were, honest!)

      Thanks so much for stopping by and taking a moment to say hello! 😀 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

    1. So glad you enjoyed the interview Janet. I know I talked to you about it over on The Write Stuff, so won’t go into all that here, but I very much appreciate your stopping by! 😀 ❤


    1. Sorry I missed your comment, Bette, but now that I’ve found it, I thank you so much for your kind words! And for taking the time to stop by and visit today! 😀 ❤

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  3. Great interview 🙂 I didn’t know you painted, and love your catch and release program for spiders. I agree about being a cat in a story too. You are right its never too late to go for your dream!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks, Denise! Glad you enjoyed it, and yep, I painted throughout most of my life, in one way or another. (Now I mostly paint house walls and fences! 😀 ) And I’m glad you agree. I was still here, still breathing, and still relatively sane, so I figured it wasn’t too late to tackle that dream. And I’m SO glad I did. 😀

      Thanks for stopping by and taking a moment to say hi! 😀 ❤


  4. I’m with Mae – only I’d add a ‘u’ in ‘favorite’! Marcia’s created two of my favourite characters – Rabbit and Hunter – and has been such a supportive friend. I’ve read every one of her books and am waiting now for the next one! ♥

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    1. Hahaha, Trish! You folks in Wales … first you have words with no vowels at all, then you take one with just the right amount and add another! 😂😂😂 I’m going to come over there and teach you some Southernese, where even one-syllable words can become multi-syllabic symphonies because each vowel sound just goes on and on! You’ll love it! 😁

      And thank you so much for your kind words about my books, and for loving Rabbit and Hunter so much. They are actually my own two favorite characters, as well, so it really touches my heart to read your thoughts. And btw, no one has been a more supporting and encouraging friend than you! Your comments and emails have gotten me through many a tough day, and I thank you for all you do!

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      1. Two nations divided by a common language – and that’s before the Welsh bit enters the equation! We have 7 vowels to your meagre 5. Y and W are both vowels in the language of the heavens!
        Great to see you here. I’m a huge fan of your writing and I’ve been on the receiving end of your support and friendship far more than vice versa!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Olga! You are so kind, and I am very grateful for you friendship and support. It’s always lovely to see you stop by, and I’m so glad you enjoyed the interview! 😊


    1. Well said, Yvette, and I agree completely! In fact, I just created a new #GrannySays graphic that follows that theme. Will have to schedule it soon!

      I’m so glad you enjoyed the interview, and thanks so much for stopping by to let us know. 😊💗

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    1. Thanks so much, Sharon. Glad you enjoyed the interview, and anyone who loves cats but hates spiders is okay in my book! 😁 Thanks so much for stopping by! 😊


    1. Aw, that’s very sweet, Jill! I’m so glad you enjoyed the interview, and found it inspiring. Nothing makes me happier than imagining my experiences have inspired someone else, and I thank you for sharing that! 😊❤


  5. As a guy in his 60s with only one book, I take inspiration from authors like Marcia and others who have blazed the trail to create a belief that I can do it too.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. And you CAN, Pete. You’re on the road already, and at such a YOUNG age, too. (Hey, everything is relative, after all. 😁) I know you can do whatever you set your mind to, so keep on writing, and you’ll soon have Book #2 out there, as well. And that’s how we do it, right? One step … one book … at a time! You GO, my friend! 😊👍😊

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      1. You’re amazing! Keep on truckin’, Marcia. I should also mention that because I had very environmentally conscious parents, and I love your wildlife posts. My dad worked for the Fish and Wildlife and was involved in the recovery of two endangered species (black-footed ferret and Aleutian Canada Goose.)

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      2. Aw, thanks, Pete, and thanks for sharing about your enjoyment of my wildlife posts. I had to quit doing the online ones, but may bring some of them back one day. I do, however, still aim for 2 local presentations a month, when COVID stays the heck outta my way, and I love talking to folks about nature as much as I love writing. I had to cancel January and February presentations this year, but will be back at it on March 5, if nothing happens in the next couple of days, and I can’t WAIT. I always try to build in lots of fun moments in the talks, because laughing audiences hardly ever throw rotten eggs at folks, you know. 😉 And because laughing makes us ALL feel better. So if folks can have a good time while learning why NOT to bash in the head of every snake they see, for instance, I’m a happy camper! 😁

        I’m a little bit familiar with the black-footed ferret, and think your father’s involvement in their population recovery is fantastic! That with the Aleutian Canada Goose (one I’m going to be looking up shortly) must have been a wonderful thing to have been a part of. My parents became ardent birders late in life, but it was long after my brother and I were grown, so most of what I’ve learned about wildlife I learned via hiking, camping, and canoeing all over Florida. AND volunteering at Florida Audubon many years ago, where I made friends with every kind of “ologist” on staff. I learned SO much from those great folks!

        Thanks for the encouragement, and I’ll offer the same to you. (Check out #GrannySays this Friday, for starters.) In the meantime … WRITE ON! 😀


    1. Thank you so much, Craig. It was a fun interview to do, and I’m very happy Marie invited me over. Thanks so much for stopping by! It’s greatly appreciated! 😊🎈✨

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  6. What a fun interview! It’s always great to learn more about authors and bloggers we interact with. I laughed out loud about the fear of spiders. 🙂 Congrats to Marcia and thank you for hosting, Marie!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. So glad you enjoyed the interview, Jan, and glad you got a laugh about my thoughts on things with eight hairy legs! 😆 Thank you for the congratulations, and for stopping by to comment today! It’s hugely appreciated! 😊💖


    1. Aw, thanks, Jaye … and I’m so glad there are those around who still appreciate the “oldies but goodies” that some of us have become! 😂 Thanks for your kind words and for taking the time to stop by and leave a comment today.


  7. So wonderful to see Marcia here, Marie. She’s a fabulous writer. Thank goodness she didn’t let rampant insecurities or anything else get in the way. The world is a little more lustrous because of her. And I love her can-do attitude about life and aging. Congrats, Marcia and Marie, on the fun interview. 🙂

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    1. Thanks so much for such lovely words, Diana! I’m so glad you enjoyed the interview, and I’m especially glad you appreciate my can-do attitude about most things in life. Some days it’s easier to hang on to that idea than others, but in general, it helps me cope when times are bad or I’m not feeling well, and gives me extra energy when I’m on target with it. And I’m totally grateful I was too stubborn to let my rampant insecurities hold be back until it was too late.

      Thanks so much for stopping by today, my friend, and taking a moment to let us know your thoughts. 🤗💖🤗

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      1. I’ll pass that along to Mark, Diana. I’m pretty sure I’ve never heard him say that before, especially over the last two years when I’ve been dragging so much. 😁 And coming from YOU, it’s really saying something. (I’ll be sure to have him read your Ten Things list before he sees this! Hehehe.


    1. Aw, thanks so much for such kind words, Sally, especially coming from the true Queen of Amazing Support! And it does my heart good to think you enjoy my books. That means more to me than you’ll ever know, my friend. (Yep, I was listening, but I’m telling myself you’d have said the same thing even if I hadn’t been. 😄) And thanks so much for offering to share this interview in your weekly roundup. That’s wonderful news, indeed.

      Now if the fates would just be gentle with me today, I’ll get back to work on my Cole, Cole, & Dupree novella. Rabbit is calling me!!

      Thank you so much for stopping by and taking time to leave such a lovely comment! Have a wonderful day!

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  8. He brightens my day, Sally, peering over my shoulder at “this here ol’ computer” and telling me his stories in his unique way. So much fun to write! Thanks again, my friend! 😊❤


  9. I enjoyed reading this wonderful interview, Marcia and Marie! You’re an inspiration and a great sample to all of us, Marcia. I appreciate your “can do” and never-give-up spirit. What a wonderful surprise to find another fellow painter. What do you paint, Marcia? Please post some of your paintings on your blog when you have a chance. I do watercolor painting. I haven’t done it for a while. One of my goals for this year is to do some painting. ❤ ❤

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    1. Thanks so much for your kind comments, Miriam. I just want to cram as much into my life as I possibly can, especially now that there are fewer years ahead of me all the time. Gonna enjoy each day, and do things I love whenever possible!

      I was a tole and decorative painter when it was all the rage. Tole painters will paint on anything that isn’t sitting still … flower pots, watering cans, tin trays, pottery, you name it. I also cut wooden figures out on a band saw and painted those, and I had access to a LOT of slate pavers, which I painted, too. Those were great sellers everywhere.

      I also did acrylic painting on canvas and taught beginning painting. This is not to say I taught folks studying to be serious artists. I just enjoyed sharing that anyone can learn to paint pretty pictures they’d be proud to hang in their own houses. I was friends with several TV artists back then, too. It was a fun time.

      Eventually, I learned how to do digital painting with a Wacom tablet and electronic pen. (NOT photo manipulation, but line by line painting.) I mostly did commissioned pet portraits with that technique. Yes, I’ll share some of my work on the blog, or recirculate some of the older posts that have examples.

      But what I really wanted to be, and was raised to believe was a stupid idea, was a writer. And finally one day, I decided as a bucket list thing to write a book, even though I was 69 at the time. So I did, and now I think I’ll stick with writing until I forget what words are. 😂😂😂

      Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment today. I really appreciate it! 😀 ❤


      1. I have a book of stencils to paint dishes, towels, flower pots, etc. But I like free painting instead of using stencils. I’ll take the book to my 4 year old granddaughter who is into stencil painting on my next trip. I enjoy mixing the colors and hope to do some painting soon. Thank you for sharing, Marcia, and hope not too miss your posts with examples.

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  10. Thanks for introducing to Marcia, and mentioning her very interesting porfolio of books. I also love her regularely book reviews and presentations. Really great news to get this all from a former teacher of fine art. Thanks again, and best wishes, Michael

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      1. Hope you are feeling a lot better now, Michael. I’ve had all three shots and TWO different breakthrough bouts with Covid, one last July, and one at the start of this year. I know exactly what you mean about being tired. Those awful bouts of fatigue are the last symptoms to go, and I do know that a lot of folks have them just from the shots alone, too. Do stay WELL, my friend!!


    1. As I mentioned to Michael, ran into a few snags this past week, so I’m late responding, Debby, but I thank you so much for your stopping by. I had a fun time with Marie’s interview questions, and I hope you enjoyed them. And yep, I’m waving at everyone! 😀 ❤

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  11. Hi Marie, it is lovely to see Marcia featured here and learn a bit more about her. I didn’t realise she only published in her late 60s, that is terrific. I have read an enjoyed a few of Marcia’s books and she is a very talented writer.

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    1. Thanks so much, Robbie. Oh, yep. Wrote my first book at 69 and taught myself how to self-publish it. I keep thinking I’ll stop soon, but honestly, I’ve still got a few more stories I’d like to tell first. And I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed some of the ones I’ve already written! Thanks so much for stopping by and taking a moment to let me know. This was a really fun interview! 😀 ❤

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